
Veeam backup download
Veeam backup download

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Now, because this is our baseline of how we expect things to work in a perfect world, even if they don't have this, it's made our backup documentation process easier.

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In general, we used to have to have that "backup conversation" with a client, every once in a while, to see how things were going. And the few times we have had things go wrong, it has been easy to communicate with the client quickly and make them feel that we're very on top of it and aware of this process, just because of how the system is set up to work. I can put technicians into action based on things failing or not updating properly. This gives me a dashboard with a bunch of green, yellow, or red lights based on how things are going. There used to be so much anxiety with other solutions because they were so much harder to manage. It just makes everything so much easier on the backup. The clients are happy because they know that I'm happy with the solution, because I'm usually going to suggest it over something else. I feel a lot better with it because I've already used it in the recovery scenarios and know it works and I've got guys testing things on a regular basis. SolarWinds gives me the options to do both things very cleanly and to please those different levels of clients, without having to jump through too many hoops. They have a spare computer onsite we would move things to. If the first one fails, they don't have the budget to have a disaster-ready plan where, if everything goes down, they have something running that takes it right back up.

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And they want me to be able to get either the files or the full image down from the cloud to put on a new machine. They simply need one workstation, not even a server, backed up. I have other clients that just don't have that kind of budget. If the first system goes down, the second system is able to bring it right back up. It runs the virtual disaster recovery console, so it's constantly getting all the new backup images every day. I have one client that has a full, second dedicated server. I could cut out features if I wanted, which I don't, or I could add features as tiers to make a pricing bracket for myself to sell to them.

Veeam backup download how to#

They pretty much have any feature that I, as an MSP, could want, and they let me choose how to provide their product to the client.

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They really give you a lot of options with that. A nice part about the SolarWinds backup and recovery solution is that I get to pick how it's deployed, and it's per-client.

Veeam backup download